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Delaware Seashore Parrot Head Club

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Beach Grass Planting

  • Sat, March 15, 2025
  • 8:30 AM
  • Tower Beach



We will be assisting DNREC in their Annual Beach Grass Planting on Saturday, March 15 from 9 a.m. - Noon. It's just three hours, but we should be done before that. We have been assigned to Tower Beach (because it is the closest beach to a good bar!). 

Plan to meet at the Tower Beach Bath House parking area around 8:30 a.m. Look for the DSPHC flag. We will be assigned a section to plant the beach grasses. We already have “state of the art” planting sticks that will make the job quick and easy - one person pokes the hole and two people can plant.

This is a rain or shine event, so hope for
nice weather but also be prepared!

Then on to the fun part: After we finish at the beach, we plan to meet at the Starboard in Dewey for a Bloody Mary (or two) and breakfast. 

Hope to see you all there!

Delaware Seashore Parrot Head Club (DSPHC)
PO Box 273
Nassau, DE 19969

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