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Delaware Seashore Parrot Head Club

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Milton St. Patrick's Day Parade

  • Sun, March 09, 2025
  • 1:00 PM
  • Palmer St. and Bay Ave., Milton



The Milton St. Patrick’s Day Parade is on Sunday, March 9, and we are participating once again!

The parade starts at 2:00 p.m. We'll meet at 1:00 p.m. at Palmer St. and Bay Ave to organize. Palmer St. runs between Rt 16 and Bay Ave. 

Our theme this year is: Irish I Had a Margarita!

Please wear your most festive St. Patty’s and/or Parrot Head gear. See below for some Parrot Head suggestions.

Our truck will have a large flag and music playing on the tailgate. We will march behind the truck and hand out beads and candy to the crowd. There is also a nice banner to lead our group, and we will have an all-around great time.

The party continues after the parade at Irish Eyes in Milton. We need a few people who are willing to break off from our group as we get to Irish Eyes to grab some tables for us.  

I hope to have a good turnout.

Amazon Links for Inflatable Parrot Costumes:

Delaware Seashore Parrot Head Club (DSPHC)
PO Box 273
Nassau, DE 19969

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