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Delaware Seashore Parrot Head Club

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  • Wed, November 27, 2024
  • Higher Ground Outreach

We are having a Thanksgiving Dessert Drive for Higher Ground this year. If you are interested in participating, please provide any dessert you wish for their Thanksgiving day meal. You can either drop off your dessert yourself, or coordinate with me and I will take it to them.

Please complete the following information and return to Carle by Sun., Nov. 24 either by email ( or in person at the November Social + Meeting.

Dessert Being Provided & Quantity: 
Method of Delivery:

  • Drop off to HGO on Wednesday, Nov. 27
  • Drop off to Carle on Tuesday, Nov. 26
Higher Ground Outreach's address is:

12 E Pine St
Georgetown, DE 19947

NOTE: There is construction in the area, so you may have to go to the Georgetown circle to get to Pine Street.

Please provide the dessert on something you don’t want back (like a disposable tray).

Delaware Seashore Parrot Head Club (DSPHC)
PO Box 273
Nassau, DE 19969

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